You can make a difference.  You can write a letter to an elected official or call their office, submit a letter for publication to your local paper, participate in a rally, submit comments to regulatory agencies, help organize your community, spread the word through social media...We'll keep you posted on time-dependent needs and deadlines, and let you know when something important is happening where you live.  Check the page of the issue that concerns you for a calendar of important upcoming events and deadlines and links to the people you need to reach.

You can join ACWA by making a donation that will help pay for staff time, legal fees, and our costs for communication and project-related travel. Contact us about making donations of artwork or services that can be offered as incentives to other donors.  A $25 donation (or more) will get you a one-year subscription to the award-winning quarterly, Earth Island Journal.

Please contact us if you have other ideas of how you can help!  Thank you for whatever you can do - every bit helps.